Sunday, January 30, 2005

Users are usually stupid, but rarely mad... when they make mistakes, it's quite often due to very, very bad interface design. Keep that in mind. Use their feedback. If its not clear to them what to choose, or which route to follow to accomplice a task, it's probably cause your software has an unclear intefare. Redesign.

Saturday, January 15, 2005

Users Don't Read Manuals

That's right. They Don't (apart from me, who spent most of my teenage life reading about the command line switches of pkzip). So make sure your program does not need manuals. Make all information available in the data entry screens or selection dialogs.

Friday, January 14, 2005

Source Control

Rule Numero Uno: YOU NEED Source Control Software. For a number of reason. You need it even if you are a solo developer. Here's a related article. You also need to train you people to use it. Make it part of their routine...

How To Run A Software House

Ok, this here is my new blog. I'll use it as a collection of thoughts and ideas of how the perfect software contruction company should be organized... So when I am old enough to start one of my one, I'll have all the know-how...

Have fun